基督弟兄会主页 |
Welcome to the Chinese Christadelphian Home Page |
中文圣经目录(在建设中) |
Bible index |
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Chinese booklets index |
圣经基础教训折页系列 您可以单击鼠标右键,然后单击“目标另存为”下载到本机,使用A4纸打印 |
21 x CBM Basic Bible Teaching leaflets (double-sided A4, trifold) English originals |
传单目录 | Tracts index |
关于基督弟兄会 | About the
Christadelphians. Brothers and sisters in Christ |
香港基督弟兄会史 | History of Hong Kong Christadelphians |
免费赠送 | Free offers |
新加坡基督弟兄会 | Singapore & Malaysia Christadelphians |
新西兰华人基督弟兄会 | New Zealand Chinese Christadelphians |
ESL圣经学习班(在澳大利亚,加拿大) | EFL/ESL Bible
classes Sydney and Vancouver |
韩国基督弟兄会(韩文) | Korean Christadelphians (in Korean) |
收藏链接(英文) | Favourite links (English) |
收藏链接(中文) | Favourite links (Chinese) |
4。中文圣经课程 Bible courses |
圣经课程封面目录 | Index |
明白圣经真谛课程 | 22 Lesson Bible
Course (CBM) English original |
旧金山小册子课程 | Booklet worksheet
course (San Francisco, links CMPA booklets) |
圣经基础课教训课程.zip | 12 Lesson Basic Bible Teaching
Course (CBM 2004) English original |
使徒行传课程 | Acts Course (CBM) |
马太福音课程 | Matthew Course (CBM) |
圣经简介课程 | Introduction to the Bible
course (South London) |
纠正40课圣经课程(计划中) | 40 Lesson Course (CBM revised 2006) |
5。中文书籍 Books |
书籍封面目录 | Index |
强解经书 | Wrested Scriptures (Ron Abel) |
圣经简介 | Understand the
Bible (Tecwyn Morgan, CBM) |
圣经的教训 | What the Bible
teaches (Harry Tennant CMPA) |
圣经词典 | Bible Dictionary (David Whitehouse) English base version for Chinese translation |
圣经基本原理 | |
以弗所书-圣徒的画像 | Ephesians, Portrait of the Saint (John Marshall) |
劝勉词辑 | May you know it to be true - Exhortations (Dennis Gillett, CMPA) |
创造论与科学 | Creation Evolution and Science (John Collyer, The Testimony) |
弥赛亚的比喻 | Parables of the Messiah (John Carter, CMPA) |
圣经中的女人 | Women of the
Bible (various authors, CMPA) |
圣经,主耶稣,和你 | The Bible, the Lord Jesus and You (John Roberts CALS) |
新造的人 | A new creation (A
Manual for New Christadelphians, Young Christadelphians, and Prospective Christadelphians) |
信徒和抑郁症 | |
信徒和压力 | |
成就神命的狂风 | Stormy winds
fulfilling his word (Tony Benson) |
圣经-上帝可信的的话 | God's Truth - A scientist shows why it makes sense to believe the Bible (Alan Hayward) |
生命之道路 | The Way of
Life (Rob Hyndman) |
探索圣经 | Exploring the Bible
(see course above for ETB) (Harry Whittaker, CMPA) |
真正的魔鬼 | |
6。其它材料 other materials |
教会文件,其他文件 | ecclesial and other documents |
幻灯片目录 | Slideshows index (Chinese and bilingual ppt files) |
每日圣经阅读表 | The Bible Companion (daily reading planner) |
学习笔记目录 | Study notes index (Bible school notes) |
劝勉辞目录 | Exhortations index |
主日学校材料 | Sunday School materials index |
赞美诗 | Chinese-English Hymnsheets |
听电影(马太福音和使徒行传原经文音频) | |
连接 - 音乐 | links to Christadelphian praise and worship music CDs |
连接 - 基督教书柜 | links to useful books by general publishers |