圣 经 探 险 者 第 十四 课



Reading: 1 Kings 11 & 12 15课 阅读:列王记1112

Solomon Builds The Temple In Jerusalem

King David reigned for forty years. His capital was Jerusalem, yet the tabernacle was at Gibeon and there the priesthood officiated, offered sacrifices and led Israel in worship to God. 大卫统治了以色列四十年,以色列的中心是耶路撒冷,然而那时圣幕却在黎巴嫩,祭师们在那儿敬神。

As we saw in the last study it had been Davids desire to build a House for God that He might dwell in the midst of Israel. However God had refused Davids request, saying instead that He would build him a house (2 Samuel 7:11-16). He promised to give him a son who would ultimately reign on the throne of David for ever and build a house for the worship of God in the Kingdom which he would establish. This prophecy pointed to the future work of the Lord Jesus Christ. 我们已知先前大卫想给神造一圣殿,让他居住于以色列中间,然而神却不允许他建圣殿,相反的,神要给大卫建殿(撒母下711-16),神又向大卫许诺,他的一个子孙将坐他的位,统治以色列直到永远,并且在神的国里,他会建一座圣所,这就预言了主耶稣基督的到来。

However, God did tell David that Solomon, his son who was to reign after him, would build a Temple or House where Israel were to worship God. Jerusalem was the place God chose as the site for this Temple. The site is still a landmark well known to those who have seen photos of Jerusalem. It is that elevated, level site on the eastern side of Jerusalem facing the Mount of Olives. 然而,神又告诉大卫,他的儿子将会建造一座圣殿,圣殿座落于耶路撒冷。至今我们在耶路撒冷的照片还能见,它位于城市的东边,面临奥列弗山。

Today the Muslims have built the "Dome of the Rock" there which is the third most holy site in the Islam faith. They believe that Mohammed, their prophet, went to heaven from this site. It is also the old Temple site and holy to the Jews, and we can appreciate therefore why there is such contention and bitterness over this site between Arabs and Jews. Added to this, the major Christian faiths misguidedly believe that they have some ownership of the city because of their "holy sites" associated with the life of Jesus. 伊斯兰教中的第三大圣址——“圆岩”也位于那儿,他们想念他们的先知默旱默德就是在那儿升天的,那地方对犹太人来说,也是圣址。所以我们就不难理解阿拉伯人与犹太人之间的争斗了。不仅如此,大多数基督教徒错误地认为他们应拥有这城市,因为“圣址”与基督的生平有重大关连。

With such diverse and antagonistic religious convictions all claiming some "God-given right" to this site of Jerusalem, it helps us to understand why it has become such a contentious subject politically. This is exactly what God foretold would happen (Zechariah 12:1-3). 如此重大的分歧与敌对导致了这一地方的紧张关系,各教派的信徒都声称他们对这一地有“神赋的权力”,这也是神预言将发生的(撒迦利亚书121-3)。

God told David that Solomon was to build the Temple or House of worship at Jerusalem, so in the latter years of Davids life he charged Solomon to do as God commanded. Details of his instructions to Solomon are found in 1 Chronicles 28 & 29. After Davids death Solomon commenced this great and glorious task. The Temple, though a small structure when compared with other major building feats of the same era, was magnificent. The details are to be found in 2 Chronicles 2-7. The Temple in Jerusalem, together with the priesthood which attended there, became the centre of worship and instruction for the nation in their service to God. 神告知大卫所罗门将在耶路撒冷建造圣殿,所以大卫晚年就指示所罗门按神默示的去做,详情记录在历代志上2829中。大卫死后,所罗门开始这项伟大荣耀的工程,圣殿与同时代许多雄伟工程比较而言,虽然较小,但仍旧非常杰出,详情在历代志下2-7中有述,耶路撒冷的圣臀与那里的祭司,就成了侍奉神的中心。

The Kingdom is Divided (1 Kings 11-12)

In the latter years of Solomons life he turned aside from wholly following God. He married wives from the surrounding nations and accommodated their pagan worship by building temples for their worship in Israel. The sad details of his decline are found in 1 Kings 11. Because of his sin God sent a prophet to tell him that after his death the kingdom would be divided. Two tribes would be loyal to the house of David whilst the other ten would establish their own kingdom. 所罗门晚年时,他离弃了神,所罗门究爱许多外邦女子,并在以色列为那些伪神建殿,这些事都记录在列王记上11中。由于所罗门的罪,神遣先知告诉他,在他死后,王国将分裂,两个支派忠于大卫家,而其它十个支派将建立他们自己的国。

After Solomons death his son Rehoboam came to the throne. He threatened to increase the burdensome taxes that were already laid upon the nation and this foolish act brought a revolt by the northern ten tribes headed by Jeroboam (1 Kings 12). 所罗门死后,他的儿子罗波安继位,他威胁要增加赋税,这一愚蠢的行为最终导致了以耶罗波安为首的北方支派的反叛(列王记上12)。


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Thus Israel was divided into two kingdoms:因此,以色列分成了两个王国:

The Kingdom of Judah. This consisted of the two tribes of Judah and Benjamin, and had its capital in Jerusalem. The kings who reigned over Judah were a continuous line from David. The worship of God continued in the Temple in Jerusalem and was officiated by the Priests and Levites as appointed by God. 犹太王国。由犹太支派和便雅悯专派组成,首都是耶路撒冷,国王是大卫家的延续。神临送的祭司在耶路撒冷的圣殿主持祭礼。

The Kingdom of Israel. The other ten tribes made up this kingdom. Their capital varied depending upon the king who reigned, but predominantly the city selected was Samaria. There was no one dynasty of kings ruling over the north and therefore there were often struggles for power and assassinations as each contender asserted his right to the throne. 以色列王国。由其余的十个支派组成,首都随着国王的改变而更改,但大部分时间在撒马利亚城,没有一个国王能完全统一北方,所以权力之争时有发生。

The history of both kingdoms is recorded in the book of Kings in particular, and also in 2 Chronicles. 两个王国的历史大部分记录在列王纪中,历代志下中也有记述。

The End of the Kingdom of Israel

The kingdom of Israel in the north was built upon an apostate religion centred in Bethel and Dan (1 Kings 12:26-33). This, together with the political greed for power, brought suffering to the people. 北方以色列国的宗教中心,在伯特利和但(列王纪上1226-33),这与政治上的贪婪一起,给人民带来了苦难。

God in His mercy sent prophets to them who pleaded with them to return to Him but very few heeded their call. Among these prophets were Elijah and Elisha. Also some of the books of the prophets in the Bible are a record of Gods message to this northern kingdom. Amos and Hosea in particular delivered their message to the Kingdom of Israel. 神出于仁慈,遣先知劝民众知返,然而少有人听。那些先知中有以利亚和以利沙,圣经的一些作者,象职权摩司和何西阿都曾给北方的王国带去过神的信息。

Finally because of the wickedness of this northern kingdom, God brought the mighty power of Assyria against them. They were overthrown in BC 720 and Assyria scattered the children of Israel throughout their Empire (see 2 Kings 17). 最后,由于北方王国的罪孽,神使亚述人进攻他们,公元前720年,亚述攻陷了以色列,以色列人四散于王国。

The few remaining Israelites mixed with the new inhabitants of the land. They kept a form of worship of the God of Israel which continued down to the days of Jesus. This group of people were known as the Samaritans (see John 4).一小部分留下来与新的居民混居,这部分人保持着一种敬拜以色列的神的形式,直到主耶稣的时代,这些人被称为撒马利亚人(见约翰福音4)。

The Kingdom of Judah

Although the two tribes in the south maintained the worship of God in the Temple at Jerusalem and their kings were the descendants of David, they too finally perverted the true worship of God and turned to idolatry. Many of the kings who ruled did evil in the sight of God and few only had the faith of David their forefather. Likewise, often the high priest himself turned from the true worship of God. 虽然有两个支派留在耶路撒冷继续崇敬他们的神,而且王也是大卫的子孙,但他们最后也堕入了崇拜偶像的罪中,许多五行耶和华眼中的不义之事,有少数才能维持信仰,而且,地位崇高的祭司自身也远离了神。

As the centuries passed the decline increased until God finally warned of the impending destruction of both the Temple and Jerusalem. He foretold that they would be taken captive to Babylon. In the closing days of this kingdom God sent prophets to warn the people to turn from their sin.许多世纪过去了,人们越来越远离神,直到最后神向他们提出警告:圣殿与耶路撒冷都将沦陷。神预言巴比伦人将奴役他们。在王国的未期,神遣先知去警醒人们远离罪恶。

Jeremiahs Remarkable "70 Year" Prophecy

Jeremiah was one of these prophets. He told them that because of their wickedness God would bring Nebuchadnezzar, the king of Babylon, against them. He would destroy their kingdom and Judah would be taken captive to Babylon for 70 years, after which time they would again return to their city (Jeremiah 25:8-12; 29:10-14). 耶利米是那些先知中的一个,他告诉人们由于他们所犯的罪,神将使巴比伦王尼布甲尼撒攻陷他们。他们将服侍巴比伦王70年,期满之后才得以回归(耶利米书258-122910-14)。

The first invasion of Judah by Nebuchadnezzar and the transportation of captives to Babylon took place in BC 606. It was in BC 536, 70 years later, that Cyrus the king of the Medo-Persian Empire which overthrew Babylon, made the decree allowing the Jews to return to Jerusalem (2 Chronicles 36:19-23). In BC 586 Nebuchadnezzar made his final assault on Jerusalem and destroyed the Temple, broke down the walls of the city, and took many more captive to Babylon. In BC 516, 70 years later, the Jews rebuilt the Temple again in Jerusalem (Ezra 6:15). 第一次的侵略发生在公元前606年,巴比伦王尼布甲尼撒,掳掠了一大批战俘,70年后,波斯王塞鲁士进攻巴比伦,颁布法令准许犹太人回到耶路撒冷(历代志下3619-23),公元前586年,尼布甲尼撒最后进攻耶路撒冷,摧毁了城墙与圣殿,俘虏了许多人,公元前516年,犹太人重在耶路撒冷建圣殿(以斯拉记615)。

Thus this prophecy was remarkably fulfilled as history has proven.所以预言由历史准确无误地验证。

Gods Prophecy to Judahs Last King (Ezekiel 21:25-27)

The last king to reign on the throne of David in Jerusalem was Zedekiah. He was a wicked king and, because he would not hearken to the words of the prophets, God foretold the overthrow of the Kingdom. Zedekiah was taken captive in BC 586 when Nebuchadnezzar destroyed Jerusalem. Ezekiel the prophet gave this remarkable prophecy to Zedekiah whom he called "a profane wicked prince" (verse 25). 犹太的最后一个王是西底家,他行不义之事并不听先知的话。神预言了王国的陷落,公元前586年,尼布甲尼撒攻陷耶路撒冷时,王成为俘虏。以西结预言了这个“受死伤于恶的王”结局

Verse 2626

"Remove the diadem, and take off the crown" Dramatically Zedekiah is told that he will no longer be king sitting on Davids throne.“当除掉冠,摘下冕”,预示西底家将不再为王。

Verse 27 27

"I will overturn, overturn, overturn it" The prophet emphasises the complete end to the kingdom through this threefold repetition of "overturn". “我将倾覆,而又倾覆”,先知预了王国无可挽回地被倾覆。

"Until he come whose right it is" Thus he foretells that there will be no king on the throne of David until Jesus Christ comes to take up that rightful position that God has promised him (See 2 Samuel 7:12-16; Luke 1:31-33).“直等到那应待的人来到”他预言没有一个王能坐大卫的位,直到主耶稣基督到来行使他“应许的”权力(撒母耳记下712-16;路加福音131-33)。

"I will give it him" Here is Gods guarantee that He will perform this (cp Isaiah 9:6-7).“我将赐于他”这是神的承诺(以赛亚书96-7)。

The Restored Kingdom Under Christs Rule

Jeremiah, who lived at the same time as Zedekiah the last king, also spoke of the coming of Jesus Christ to reign on the throne of David over the restored Kingdom of Israel (Jeremiah 23:5-8, 33:15-16). 耶利米是西底家王执政时期的先知,他预言了基督必将统治重建的以色列王国(耶利米书235-83315-16)。

For these promises to be fulfilled it is necessary for Israel to be regathered and re-educated in the truth concerning the work of the Lord Jesus Christ as Messiah and King of Israel. This regathering is one of the themes of the prophets who spoke at that time. 为了实现这些承诺,以色列人必须重新统一起来,认识到主耶稣基督是默西亚,以色列的王。这也是那时先知所预言的一部分。

Prophecies Regarding the Regathering of Israel

To the Bible student Gods prophecies regarding Israel are an amazing guarantee that we can trust the Bible. God Himself has said that Israel is His witness in the earth that He is God (Isaiah 43:1, 10-13). 对于圣经学生来讲,我们可以完全想念圣经中关于以色列的预言。神称以色列是他在地上的见证人(以赛亚书43110-13)。

Briefly consider some of these prophecies:简单看一下这些预言:

  • Before they had entered the land of Israel, while they were still in the wilderness, Moses foretold their scattering among the nations because of their sinfulness (Deuteronomy 28:63-68). How accurately this prophecy has been fulfilled is clearly set out in the history of the Jews from AD 70 down to this present time. 在进入以色列地之前,当他们还在旷野中时,摩西就预言了以色列人必将分散于万民中(申命记2863-68)。公元70年到现在以色列的状况准确地验证了这一点。
  • Moses also foretold their ultimate regathering from among the nations (Deuteronomy 30:1-5). 摩西也预言了以色列人的分散和重聚(耶利米书3010-11311)。
  • The prophet Jeremiah clearly described this scattering and regathering (Jeremiah 30:10-11; 31:10).
  • Jesus likewise foretold the scattering of the Jews after the dreadful events of AD 70. Since that time Jerusalem has been under Gentile domination and the Jews scattered. It has only been in this last century that the Jews have begun to return to their land and Jerusalem was finally retaken by the Jews in 1967 (Luke 21:24). 耶稣预言了公元70年之后犹太人才得以重归以色列,1967年,犹太人重新控制了耶路撒冷(路加福音2124)。
  • Zechariah the prophet foretold that the Jews would return to their land and have control of Jerusalem before Jesus Christ returns (Zechariah 12:1-11). 撒加利亚预言犹太人将掌握耶路撒冷,但那将引发列国争端,万国在耶稣显现他自己之前,要在中东进行争战(撒加利亚书122-39-10141-4)。
  • He foretold that Jerusalem would be in the hands of the Jews, but that it would be the source of international tension and all nations would converge into the Middle East for war prior to Jesus Christ revealing himself to the Jews (Zechariah 12:2-3, 9-10; 14:1-4). 先知撒加利亚预言了耶稣重临以前,犹太人必重归他们的地并控制耶路撒冷(撒加利亚书121-11)。
  • Ezekiel the prophet tells of this great war in the Middle East in "the latter days", at which time the Jews will again be settled back in the land of Israel (Ezekiel 38:8,12). We have witnessed this resettling of Israel in the land in the past century. 先知以西结预言了“以后”的日子里,在中东进行的争战,那时犹太人将重新定居于以色列,我们已经目睹了世纪中发生的这一事实(以西结书38812)。
  • Israel will return to the land in unbelief of the Messiahship of Jesus Christ. They will only acknowledge this fact after he has been revealed to them and they see the wounds in his hands (Zechariah 12:10, 13:6). 以色列人回到他们的地,并不想念耶稣是默西亚,他们只有在耶稣显现给他们并使他们看见他的伤后,他们才会意识到这一点(撒加利亚书1210136)。
  • The apostle Paul speaks of the time when the Jewish people will have their blindness removed and they shall then realise that Jesus is their Messiah (Romans 11:25-27; cp Isaiah 59:20-21).使徒保罗说犹太人必将除去障眼之物,认识到基督耶稣是他们的默西亚(罗马书1125-27;以赛亚书5920-21)。

Summary Points

  • Because Solomon forsook the ways of God the Kingdom was divided after his death into two divisions (1 Kings 11:11-13). Rehoboam, his son, reigned over two tribes from Jerusalem, and Jeroboam ruled over the ten remaining tribes in the north. 由于所罗门离弃了神,王国在他死后一分为二(列王纪上1111-13),所罗门的儿子罗波安在耶路撒冷作两个支派的王,北方各支派则以耶罗波安为王。

  • The southern two tribes were known as the Kingdom of Judah and the northern ten tribes as the Kingdom of Israel.南方的两个支派成为犹太王国,北方的十个支派成为以色列王国。

  • The division occurred around BC 970 and the Northern Kingdom continued until about BC 720 when it was taken captive by Assyria and scattered (2 Kings 17:6,18,23). 分裂发生在大约公元前970年,到公元前720年,北方王国被亚述人俘虏,人民四散(列王纪下1761823)。

  • The Southern Kingdom continued until BC 586 when Jerusalem and the Temple were finally destroyed and Judah taken captive to Babylon (2 Chronicles 36:17-20). 南方王国(历代志下361720

  • They remained in Babylon for 70 years as God had foretold, and then they returned to rebuild the Temple and Jerusalem (2 Chronicles 36:21-23).(历代志下362123

  • God told Zedekiah, the last King, that there would be no king to reign on the throne of David until Jesus Christ should come to re-establish the Kingdom and sit upon that throne (Ezekiel 21:25-27). 神告诉西底加,没有一个王将能坐大卫的位,直到耶稣基督回来重建王国(以西结书2125-27)。

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