China Exhort 25 April - Deuteronomy 10 Bro Peter E
4月25日的劝勉词-------圣经阅读 申命记第10章 作者:彼得.埃弟兄
Good morning brethren and sisters. 亲爱的弟兄姐妹:早上好:
In Deuteronomy 10 Moses is reminding Israel of incidents that had taken place during the last 40 in the wilderness. Moses is teaching this generation to make sure they do not repeat the failings of their fathers. Here Moses tells of the second two tables of stone that he took into the Mount to have the 10 commandments rewritten on them. The first tables were destroyed when he threw them to the ground in anger at the behaviour of the Children of Israel. Exodus 32. He reminds them that God at that time had chosen the Levites to be his servants and ministers. Deut 10:8-11. This account then leads on to some of the most profound statements of the whole book of Deuteronomy as we see in verses 12-22. 在申命记第10章当中摩西提醒以色列人上次40天所发生在旷野里的事件。摩西在教导那一代的人不要再犯他们的父辈所犯的同样的错误。摩西在这里告诉他们关于他第二次从山上带来的两块石板,据出埃及记32章记载, 第一次所带出来的两块石板已经被摩西在对当时以色列人的愤怒当中扔在地上摔碎了。摩西提醒他们 神在这个时候已经拣选了利未人作为他的仆人和 (申命记10:8-11)这个记载接下来的是申命记整本书当中最深刻的声明,就在我们所看到的12-22节。
This morning we want to briefly consider these words of guidance that Moses gave to the people and why they were given in the context of the choosing of the Levites. 今天早晨我们将简短地思考一下摩西告诫以色列人的话语以及为什么 神要拣选利未人。
Verse 12-13 tell us exactly what we must do in our lives now to be pleasing to God. God requires of us is to fear Him, and because of that, to walk in His ways. He requires us to love him and show this love in giving our whole life in continual service to him by keeping His commandments. Moses gives the reason for this devoted service. God is the creator and owner of everything on earth and in heaven (v14) and yet He had chosen Israel because he loved their fathers, Abraham Isaac and Jacob. There was no greatness or worthiness in the people themselves that made God want to bless them. It was because He delighted in and loved their fathers that he chose their seed above all peoples of the earth. (v15) 12-13节告诉了我们我们应该做什么才能够蒙 神悦纳。 神要求我们敬畏他,因为敬畏神,所以要行走在 神的道路上, 神要求我们爱他,在我们的整个生命当中通过遵守他的命令来服侍他。摩西给出了 神选择以色列人的理由。 神是天上和地下万事万物的创造者和拥有者,“天和天上的天,地和地上所有的,都属耶和华你的神。(14节)” 神选择以色列人,是因为 神爱他们的先辈,就是亚伯拉罕、以撒和雅各。以色列人自己并没有什么伟大的地方或者是值得称道的地方能够让 神来为他们祝福。“耶和华但喜悦你的列祖,爱他们”(15节),所以将他们的后裔立为地上的万国之首。
This reason is exactly the same motivation for us today to love our God and show this in loving service to Him. We are not famous people that God needs to fulfil His plan. We are not so intelligent that God could not bring His kingdom to the earth if we didn't help Him plan it. We cannot impress God with our greatness, because it is nothing compared to Him... He made everything in heaven and earth. We are in the truth because God has loved us and chosen us and for no other reason. We come this morning to remember all that God did in the sacrificing of His Son that we may be part of His plan and we are amazed that God has chosen to love us. We should show our appreciation of his love each week by keeping his commandments in our lives and showing our love by serving Him every day. 这个理由也是我们今天爱 神并且做爱 神的工作的动机。我们并不是有名望的人, 神需要我们实现他的旨意,我们也不是非常聪明的人,如果我们不做 神的工作 神就不能将他的国带到地上。我们不能够用我们的伟大来打动 神.......天和地都是 神所造。我们明白真理,是因为 神爱我们并且拣选了我们,并没有别的理由。今天上午我们来纪念 神所做的一切,因为有 神差遣了他的儿子为我们的献祭,我们才有可能在他的拯救计划当中。我们才有可能对 神为什么选择我们、为什么爱我们感到惊奇。我们要通过遵守 神的命令,每天做 神的工作,将对 神的爱的感激之情表现出来。
The prophet Micah quotes these words of Moses. In Micah 6 v6-7 we see the people wanting to know if God will be pleased with extravagant gifts of sacrifice or even offering their own children. Micah plainly tells them in verse 8 that they cannot impress God with extravagant gifts. They need to just do as Moses had told them hundreds of years earlier. To do justly (or keep God's commandments), to love mercy and to humbly accept that God had chosen them to be His people. 先知弥迦引用过摩西的这一段话。在弥迦书的第6章6-7节当中,我们看到一些人想用很奢侈的献祭甚至献上自己的儿子来取得 神的欢心。弥迦明确地告诉他们这些礼物是不能够打动 神的,他们要做的就是按照摩西在几百年以前所告诉他们要做的事情:“只要你行公义,好怜悯,存谦卑的心,与你的神同行。”
Back in Deuteronomy 10v20-21 Moses instructs true believers to fear God and rely on Him for everything. He alone is to be praised for what we see happen in our lives and He is to be everything to us. He is our God, our strength and all our desire. These are very simple and also very lofty things for us to learn and do. We must do them to be pleasing to God. To make this point clear God gave an example to the children of Israel - an example to us as well this morning. 让我们回到申命记10章20-21节,摩西说真正的信仰者在每一件事情上要“敬畏耶和华你的 神,事奉他,专靠他”。在我们所看到的生活当中,只有 神是应该被称颂的, 神应该是我们的一切。耶和华是我们的 神,是我们的力量,我们所想要的都在 神里面,这些事情都是很简单道理,但是也是非常崇高的事业。为了蒙神悦纳,我们必须这样做。为了让以色列人明白这一点, 神给他们树立了一个榜样,也是今天上午我们要学习的榜样。
This example was the tribe of Levi, which were mentioned as a prelude to the grand words of v12-22. In v8-9 Moses draws the peoples attention back to the Levites who were chosen by God to be His servants and ministers. They were like strangers in Israel because they had no land like the tribes for God was their inheritance. For the Levites God and His service was everything. 这个榜样就是以色列的利未支派,也是我们在本文开始重要经文12-22节。在第8-9节摩西将人们的注意力带回到这样一个事实:利未人已经被 神选择作为他的仆人并且侍立在耶和华面前事奉他,他们在以色列人当中好像是寄居的,因为他们不像别的支派一样有自己的土地,而服侍 神就是他们的产业.对利未人来说, 神和服侍 神的工作就是他们的一切。
The tribe of Levi was directly descended from Jacob's son Levi. The main incident in the life of Levi is recorded in Genesis chapter 34. This is the time when Dinah, the sister of Levi and Simeon, went out to see what was happening in the town of Shechem. She was seduced by the son of the ruler of the town and the two brothers Levi and Simeon, in jealous fury, first deceived the men of Shechem (v13) and then killed every man in the city (v25-29). The reason they did this is in Gen 34v31. Their pride was inflamed because their sister had been mistreated even though the men of the city had tried to solve the issue peacefully. They did not rely on God to be the judge and leave it in His hands but cruelly took revenge. 利未支派是雅各的儿子利未的后裔。关于利未的生平记载最主要的部分出现创世记第34章,在那个时间里,利未和西缅 底拿出去。 当地人的一个头领的儿子示剑看见他,就拉住玷辱她。 雅各的儿子们因为示剑玷污了他们的妹子底拿,就用诡诈的话回答示剑家里的人(13节),并且杀死了城里的每一个人(25-29节)。他们这么做的理由记载在31节里。他们的自尊心受到了伤害,因为他们的妹子被人玷污,尽管城里的人想和平地解决这个问题。他们并没有依靠 神来审判,而是用自己的手残忍地报复手段自己来审判。
Jacob was appalled at the behaviour of these brothers and cursed them for their violent anger in the final words he spoke to them. In Gen 49v5-7 he gives his estimation of them - "Simeon and Levi are brethren; instruments of cruelty are in their habitations. O my soul, come not thou into their secret; unto their assembly, mine honour, be not thou united: for in their anger they slew a man, and in their selfwill they digged down a wall. Cursed be their anger, for it was fierce; and their wrath, for it was cruel: I will divide them in Jacob, and scatter them in Israel". 雅各被这两弟兄的行为感到惊骇,一直在临终前都没有忘记这一件事情。创世记49章5-7节记载了他对他们的怒气和残忍的诅咒:“西缅和利未是弟兄。他们的刀剑是残忍的器具。我的灵阿,不要与他们同谋。我的心哪,不要与他们联络。因为他们趁怒杀害人命,任意砍断牛腿大筋。他们的怒气暴烈可咒。他们的忿恨残忍可诅。我要使他们分居在雅各家里,散住在以色列地中。”
This prophecy of Jacob was fulfilled as we see in Deuteronomy 10v9 where Levi was to have no inheritance among the tribes of Israel. Simeon also became such a small tribe that it was not given a part in the land but was included in the inheritance of Judah (Joshua 19v1). We saw though that Levi had the greatest blessing of all in that they were given Yahweh Himself as their inheritance. They were to serve Him always and did not need land for agriculture because the sacrifices to God were their food (Josh 13v14). They were able to eat of these and also the tithes of all the people went to feed the Levites. 雅各的预言在申命记10章9节中得到了应验。利未在以色列人当中是没有产业的,西缅变成了一个很小的支派,他们没有自己的一份地,只在犹大中间(约书亚记19:1).我们看到利未在以色列各个支派当中得到了 神最大的祝福,因为耶和华 神就是他们的产业.他们要一直侍奉 神,不需要土地来耕种,因为献给 神的祭物就是他们的食物(约书亚记13:14). 而且其他支派的人要将他们收入的十分之一交给利未人。
So how did this curse of Jacob become the blessing we read of? 雅各的诅咒如何变成为了我们刚才阅读到的祝福?
The answer is in the incident of the golden calf in Exodus 32. This is when Moses was away from the people in Mount Sinai receiving the law. The people persuaded Aaron to make them an idol, which was the golden calf, and they all fell to worshipping it and became involved in very immoral worship. There was only one group of people that stood aside from this wickedness. When Moses called for people to stand up for God, Levi was immediately ready and was prepared to judge the people on behalf of God. They were so intent on their task that even if their closest friends or sons were sinning they were to kill them (v27-29). It is this incident that made God choose them as His special servants. Moses refers to this in Duet 33 when he gives his final blessings to the tribes. He says in v8-10 that Levi was chosen because when God's judgements were to be given they did not allow the natural feelings we have for our family to stand in the way. They respected the word and covenant of Yahweh. 问题的答案在于发生在出埃及记32章的那一次金牛犊事件。当摩西远离人群到西奈山接受神所颁布的律法的时候,在百姓劝说下亚伦制造了一尊偶像,就是金牛犊,只有一小部分的人远离了这种邪恶的行为。当摩西要求人们为了 神挺身而出的时候, 利未人马上站在 神的立场上做好了准备。他们执行任务的态度是那样的坚决,即时是他们的最亲近的朋友和儿子犯罪也不放过。(27-29节)因为这个事件, 神选择了他们作为他特别的仆人。摩西在申命记33章给各个支派的祝福当中也提到这一件事情。在第8-10节当中摩西说当 神的审判来到时,他们没有任由自己的自然感情留露出来。我们对自己的家人也有这样的感情。可他们敬重的是耶和华的话和约定!
When we look at the incident of Gen 34 that led to their cursing and the incident of Ex 32 which led to their blessing, they are very similar. In both cases Levi took a sword and killed people in judgement. The actions are identical so what is the difference? 但我们来看创世记34章他们所作的事情,在那里他们被诅咒。而 在 出埃及记32章当中因为他们所作的事情他们被祝福。其实它们是非常类似的事件。在两种情况下,利未都拿起他们的剑杀人,他们的行为是相似的,不同点在哪里呢?
The difference is that in Ex 32 the motivation for their judgement was totally different than in Gen 34. In Gen 34 their motivation was that their own family had been treated shamefully and their pride was hurt and they wanted revenge. In Ex 32 their motivation was very different and is best explained by the prophet Malachi. In Malachi 2 the prophet is reminding the Levites why they were chosen by God to be his servants. He refers to the time of Ex 32 and says in v5-6 that the reason they were chosen was because they FEARED God. Why did they fear God? Because they knew that he would be angry because Israel had forgotten they were special and chosen by Him and had disobeyed His commands and worshipped an idol. The Levites believed that His commandments were absolutely right and could not be broken without judgement. They knew He was holy and righteous and the people had offended Him. They also desired to turn people away from their iniquity as it says at the end of v6. They did not just want to destroy, they did it that they might teach all of Israel to fear and respect the holiness of their God. 他们在出埃及记32章的动机完全和创世记34章的不同。在第34章中他们审判的动机是因为他们的妹子被玷污,他们的自尊伤害,因此他们要报复。而在出埃及记他们的动机是不同的。先知玛拉基最好不过地解释了他们的动机:在玛拉基书第2章提醒利未人为什么 神会选择他们做仆人。他提到在出埃及记32章所记载的那些事情,在5-6节当中说,他们被拣选是因为他们敬畏 神。为什么他们要敬畏 神呢?因为他们知道,因为以色列人违背了 神的命令,开始崇拜偶像。利未人相信 神的命令是绝对正确的, 是不能够违背的。他们知道 神是圣洁的,是公义的,是老百姓冒犯了 神..他们也希望将百姓从不法的道路上回到正道上。 他们的目的不仅仅是惩罚,而是要教导以色列人敬畏 神, 尊敬 神的圣洁。
This is a very different motivation isn't it! Although the actions are very similar the motivation is opposite. This is a very important lesson for us. What is our motivation in the things we do? If we are doing something similar to another brother but our motivation is selfish, then we are in danger of being cursed. We do need to make judgements from time to time in our ecclesia but let us be VERY careful to examine our motives before we judge. If we are speaking against someone because our pride is hurt, we will be cursed like Levi. If we are making a judgement because we fear the holiness and righteousness of God, then we will be blessed. Also our motivation must always include trying to turn people from sin so they maybe accepted again by God. We must never judge just to condemn. Judgment must be with the hope that others will respond and come to walk in the righteousness of God again. 两个动机有绝然的不同!尽管他们的行为是相似的,但是他们的动机却是相反的。这件事情对我们来说是一个很大的教训。我们在做事情的动机是什么?如果我们在和其他弟兄相似的事情,但是我们的动机却是自私的,我们就有可能被诅咒。 作为一个教会,我们一直都需要对我们一些事情做出审判 , 但是在我们审判的时候我们要非常的仔细地检查我们的动机。如果我们在对一些人说一些反对的话,只是因为我们的自尊心被伤害,我们就应该像从前的利未那样被诅咒。如果我们的审判是因为我们敬畏 神的圣洁和公义,我们就会得福。我们的动机永远是将人们从犯罪的道路上拉回来,让他们也能够被 神接纳。我们的审判永远不是为了谴责。审判是带着希望的,是为了让人回到 神的正直的道路上来。
There is another exhortation for us in this as well. Levi and his descendants obviously had the natural temperament to be swift in judgement. This is highlighted clearly by the incident involving Phineas and the judgement on the Simeonite and his Midianitish woman in Numbers 25. Phineas feared God and also wanted to turn the people from their iniquity. We know his motivation was right because God gave him an everlasting covenant of peace in v10-13. 在这里对我们还有另外的一个劝勉, 利未和他的后裔们都是那种性子很容易被激动的人,在民数记25章记载的关于非尼哈对以色列人心利和一个米甸女人行起淫乱的审判,就是一个很突出的例子。非尼哈敬畏 神,并且希望以色列人远离犯罪的道路。我们知道他的动机是正确的,因为在10-13节当中说, 神“将我平安的约赐给他。”
So we have seen that this attribute of Levi and his sons to be swift in judgement was the cause of him being cursed in Gen 49 and also the cause of the tribe being blessed in Ex 32 and Num 25. This is a lesson for us. We may have natural attributes that can cause us to sin against God but we must try, like the sons of Levi did, to turn them into instruments God can use in His service. 因此我们已经你看到了利未和他的儿子们的这个特性在创世记49章中被诅咒,而在出埃及记32章和民数记25章当中被祝福.这个事例给我们一个教训.我们有自己的天然性格特征,这种特征能够让我们犯罪,但是我们一定要试着将这种性格变成服侍 神的工具,用在服侍 神的工作当中。
Once the Levites were chosen by God to be His special tribe what did this mean they had to do? We are told in Deut 10v8. They were made separate to carry the ark (and all the Tabernacle) and to minister in the service of Yahweh. This meant they had to carry the heavy tent and furniture of the ark through the wilderness, they had to help kill and cut up the animals for sacrifice, they had to carry the wood for the offerings and the water for washing and all the other small and tedious jobs for the running of the worship of Yahweh. These were not big, glamorous jobs. They were given as a gift to the priests to help them in the service of the tabernacle (Num 8v19). Their job was to help others to worship. If the Levites did not do these small tasks then the whole nation could not worship. These were the most important jobs God could give a people that always put His commandments and holiness first and could be relied on to always help others worship properly. 一旦利未被 神所选择作为一个特别的支派,他们的任务是什么?申命记10章8节告诉我们.他们要搬运 神的约柜,(还有所有的账幕)。这就意味着他们不得不扛着重重的账幕和所有约柜的家具穿行在茫茫的旷野当中。他们不得不宰杀并且分割牲畜为献祭。他们不得不搬着献祭的木头和水,在敬拜耶和华的仪式当中,他们还有很多琐碎的事情要做。这些工作都不是大的 他们的工作是帮助别人来敬拜 神。如果没有利未人来做这些细微的工作,整个民族就无法来敬拜 神。
This too is a great lesson for us. The most important jobs we can to in our service is for others. We must be doing the little things to help others every day. Like the Levites, we must be giving up our lives as a gift to help others to worship God correctly. This is the way we serve God with all our heart and mind. We must appreciate His love in choosing us and walk in His ways, giving ourselves totally to Him because he is our inheritance. This is what He required of Israel and it is what He requires of us. 这也对我们是一个伟大的教训:我们所作的最重要工作的是为了别人。我们每天都要做一些很细小的事来帮助别人。这就是我们尽心尽意地服侍 神的方式。我们要感谢 神,因为他选择了我们,让我们能够行走在他的道路上,要我们完全将自己交给他,因为他就是我们的产业。这就是 神对以色列人的要求,也是 神对我们的要求。
And this is what His son, who we remember, did so perfectly. Jesus always did his Father's will and served him by serving others. He did this so completely that he gave his life that we may be able to be part of God's purpose. This is true service to others. As we remember him this morning may we try to be a servant to all our brethren and sisters and like the Levites use all our natural attributes in service to our Father. 这就是今天我们要纪念的----神的儿子所作的,他做得那样完全。耶稣一直都通过服侍他人来做 神所希望他做事情,他做得是那样的彻底, 甚至献出了自己的生命 , 这样我们才能够在 神的旨意当中。这才是真正的侍奉他人。在今天我们纪念主耶稣的时候,我们要像利未人那样住我们全部弟兄姐妹的仆人,将我们的所有天然特征都用来服侍 神。 DISCUSSION QUESTIONS 要讨论的问题: * Try to find parallels between Duet 10v12-13 and other passages where we are told what God wants of us. Quotes to look at Mark 12v28-31, Rom 13v8-10, Eccles 12v13-14, Micah 6:8. * 试图找出与申命记10章12-13节平行的经文段落, 在那里可以发现 神所希望我们做的事情。可以引用的经文包括马可福音12章28-31节,罗马书13章8-10节,传道书12章13-114节,弥迦书6章8节
* We need to appreciate the greatness of God and our insignificance. Why do you think that only humble people have been chosen as His servant? ( 1 Cor 1:26-31;James 4:6-7; 1 Peter 5:5-6) * 我们需要认识到 神的伟大和我们的渺小.我们怎样认识只有谦卑的人才能够被 神所拣选成为他的仆人(哥林多前书1:26-31; 雅各书4:6-7;彼得前书5:5-6)
* How can we be like the Levites in service today? What jobs can we do to help others worship? * 我们在今天怎样才能够像利未人做他们的工作? 我们做什么样的工作才能够帮助别的人崇拜神?
* What judgements may we need to make in our own lives which may be painful to us or our family, but which put God's principles first. * 我们需要做的审判在我们的生活当中可能对我们还有我们的家人带来痛苦,但是 神的原则是应该放在第一位的。